
Engineer Maria Auxiliadora Valero, an official of the Provincial Directorate of Tourism of Santa Elena, has sent us this invitation for this Saturday, November 14, starting at 9:00 a.m., when the inaugurations of works executed by the Ministry of Tourism in the province of Santa Elena begin.
The works to be inaugurated on this date are the following:

* Adaptation and signage of the Las Cascadas and Las Piscinas Naturales trails, in the Dos Mangas communes (the photograph on the right shows this area of intervention)
* Mini Interpretation Center in the Dos Mangas Commune;
* Adaptation and signage of the Sinchal trail,
* Mini Interpretation Center in the Sinchal Commune;
* Adaptation and signposting of the El Chorrillo and La Bramona trails,
* Mini Interpretation Center in the Loma Alta Commune;
* Cultural Glorieta in the Sacachun Commune;

Mariuxi Valero mentions that all these works are part of the tourist development of the communities on the Spondylus Route. COME, JOIN US AND ENJOY THE ECOLOGICAL TOURISM THAT SANTA ELENA, THE LAND OF THE SUMPAS, OFFERS YOU!!!!! 2 buses will be available for those who want to join us from the new Citizen Service Center (CAC), in the old CC La Peninsula, from 7:30 am

We will soon be publishing specific reviews about these beautiful places.

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