
The San Mateo wave, the longest in Ecuador, which on a good day can stretch a kilometer or more, and is a favorite of many local and foreign surfers, is in serious danger of disappearing with the planned construction of a fishing pier.

This project, which is supported by the State, was launched about two years ago and has generated a lot of controversy due to the growing number of people who oppose it, both from the community and visitors to its famous left. This is a criterion that has apparently not been observed in the environmental impact report, since in this type of report, considerations of the population factor are a high priority.
Fabrizio Vera, Secretary of the Committee “Let’s save the wave of San Mateo”, told us that the project was initially planned to be located at the tip, with the complete disappearance of the famous wave. After much diligence, the proposal was changed to the right bank of the river outlet; however, at that location the wave is still in danger because it would split in two.
The third proposal, which we are asking the SOS group (Save the Wave of San Mateo) to support, is to build the pier towards the end of the town, where the wave would not be affected.
Fabrizio told us that so far the license that must be granted by the Ministry of Environment has not been approved; therefore this campaign to save this sporting and tourist resource is at the time of being supported; and he insisted that the proposal is not against the construction of the pier, but against the change of its location.

Those interested in joining the support group can do so at this link http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=info&ref=ss&gid=133691774009

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