
With great joy we begin this new series of installments that are summaries of the different chapters of the book “MOCHICA-SUMPA The story continues”. Its author, Felix Lavayen, sent us the digital edition and the authorization to present small reviews of the chapters of this compendium of historical stories every Sunday and Wednesday to which Ballenita joins to help rescue, maintain, and transmit all the historical wealth of which we are heirs; in this way we can begin to love this land or, failing that, that this love continues to grow.

Some of the questions that will be clarified throughout this series of installments will be: Why the name Valdivia; was a sumpeño the true founder of the Kingdom of the Quitus; what language was spoken in these lands; when did it begin to be called Santa Elena; how was the famous Ruta del Sol created? All of these within the different chapters that we will cover such as: ancestral history, the invasion of these lands, the oil era, and many sumpa stories that are unknown to many of us.

As we will be presenting summaries on the blog each week, we invite all those who are interested in learning more about the topics to contact Felix Lavayen directly to obtain the entire book. 095 222 222 – asestour@hotmail.com

We hope that all the followers of the blog will be enriched by this adventure of knowledge that we have started so that History can continue...

We appreciate the efforts of Eng. Mariuxi Valero to obtain the respective permit so that we can all begin to learn.

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