
A few days ago we conducted a virtual survey of citizen perception regarding the UPSE issue. The results presented below represent a total population of 490 people who collaborated with us in the conduct of this survey. The population considered includes people native to the peninsula as well as foreigners, UPSE students or not.
The results are not intended to be a statistical analysis, but rather a study based on the data obtained, where we will only analyze the % obtained from the answers to each of the questions. We will try to get these results to the authorities of this institution for study and hopefully help to correct any problems that may exist.
We hope that the situation of UPSE improves in the short and medium term, so that it represents the aspirations that the peninsular community has placed in it on more than one occasion.

1.       Do you know what the situation of UPSE is?

         80% chose, Yes yes I am aware and I have even read the CONEA report
                               If I am aware of it through the media
         2.26% chose No, I'm not interested

2.    Do you think there are errors or omissions in the report?

82,96% chose Yes, since this is a public institution until third level degrees are admissible among the teachers' college.

3.    Did you know that the CONEA report was not approved by the organization's own members before being presented to the Assembly?

75,61% chose, No, I didn't know but when I found out about this it seems incredible to me
                           Yes, I knew and it is another reason why that is unacceptable.                             
4,88% chose Yes, I knew but it is not of major relevance

4.    Do you think there is a possibility of applying pressure to allow a reasonable period of time to correct the deficiencies in the institutions?

87,50% chose Yes with the support of many people these institutions can be rescued

5.    Would you support any action to prevent the closure of this institution?

64,91% chose Yes, because I consider that UPSE has contributed and I hope it continues to contribute to the development of the peninsula.
                                    Yes, because I consider that the report is not objective in some aspects.
           5,26% No, because I believe that these actions must be respected and supported to improve institutions.

6.    Do you think that as the days go by, more omissions from the report will be discovered?

73,91% chose Yes, the report will fall with its omissions by its own weight.

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