Evaluate your real needs and make your purchases based on them. Avoid the effects of advertising and unnecessary trends.
– Buy manageable quantities of perishable products so you don’t have to throw them away (especially vegetables).
– Choose products with less packaging or wrapping to reduce waste. Prefer those that do not have wrappings that take a long time to degrade, such as plastic and styrofoam.
– Take a cloth bag, backpack or shopping cart to avoid plastic bags.
– Reject fast food because of the disproportionate amount of waste it contains.
– Share tools that you don’t use often with family, friends or colleagues, for example sewing machines, drills, tents, etc.
– Use household appliances responsibly: for example, only use the washing machine and dishwasher when they are full, and avoid putting hot food in the refrigerator.
– Reuse bags, wrapping paper and the back of writing paper.
– Buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper (notebooks, toilet paper, etc.). EXPRESS YOUR INTEREST IN THESE PRODUCTS IF YOUR DEALER DOES NOT SELL THEM.
– Buy second-hand goods. There are specialist shops where you can find any utensil.
– Fix things that break. When evaluating whether a professional repair is worth it, also consider the environmental impact of manufacturing a new product. It’s a new way of looking at profitability.
– Donate, give away or sell things you no longer need before throwing them away.
– Buy drinks in reusable glass containers whenever possible instead of single-use cans and bottles.
– Separate your garbage and give it to the garbage collection service. ASK THE COLLECTORS IF THEY MIX THE GARBAGE
– Use your organic waste for composting. It makes up almost half of your trash.
– Support environmental protection campaigns. Your signature or donation gives weight to actions on companies and public administrations.
– Seek to discuss with your employer and colleagues if you think waste can be avoided or reduced in your workplace.