
We share with you the text of a communication sent by the DiablUma collective to our editorial office in Ballenita si.

Comrades and Friends:

It is a real pleasure to announce that popular organization and mobilization have achieved a very important victory today. Today, August 21, history has been made. The arrogance and arrogance of the most wealthy in this country could not defeat, not even with the use of violence, the will of the majority of Quito residents. The organizers of the II Bullfighting Cultural Days, defying the provisions of both the Ombudsman and the Police Department of Pichincha, confident that this country continues to function based on blackmail and influence, allowed the entry of children under 12 years of age for two consecutive days, so that they could witness the savage death and torture of a living being.

Despite the fact that an enraged mob of wild bullfighters used force to evict the brave demonstration that was there as a watchdog outside the bullring, representatives of the Ombudsman's Office, CNNA, the Police Department and DINAPEN complied with the authorities' order.

In the same way, we denounce the complicity of the security forces with the violent action of the enraged bullfighters, who, driven by the organizers, launched an offensive of violence against the defenders of life. We also demand that the right-wing forces still entrenched in both the government and society unmask their intentions to maintain the colonial status quo. It is time for them to realize that this country is being transformed and that we will defeat them in all the fields that are proposed to us. For this reason, we demand that Mr. Augusto Barrera, Mayor of the City of Quito, officially and finally receive the letter of request to carry out a popular consultation that will allow the people of Quito to decide how, what and why they want to celebrate this profound process of liberation that began on December 1, 1534 when our general Rumiñawi declared us in permanent resistance.

We urge all people committed to life to do everything possible to prevent the pro-bullfighting elites from carrying out their plans to illegally hold bullfights today, Sunday, August 22. Bullfights have been suspended by the Police Department due to the arrogant failure to comply with the provisions of Resolution No. 99-40467-CNDHIG-2009-MGAO issued by the Ombudsman's Office in response to the requests of DiablUma and PAE in November 2009. This failure even led to sanctions against Teleamazonas for broadcasting images of bullfighting violence during family hours.

To avoid future confrontations, we demand that the Quito Metropolitan Council give way to the Popular Consultation that will allow us to decide and configure the nature of our celebrations, as soon as possible.

With a deep feeling of happiness we commit ourselves to continue our struggle until this savage celebration is abolished in every corner of our country.


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