The first exhibition of its kind has finally arrived on the St. Helena Peninsula.
ReciclArte/Basurama aims to raise awareness in the community about the impact we are having on Mother Earth with the issue of solid waste.
The way we will do it is through the exhibition: tangible and photographic of artistic and utilitarian elements made basically with materials that can be considered waste or, in the best of cases, recycled. Wallets, boats, crucifixes, various containers, candle holders, etc. are some of the objects that the peninsular community will be able to observe.
There will also be 5 daily presentations of documentary videos: The Story of Things, Mother Earth and a brief history of the 100-year-old house, whose owners intend to convert it into a heritage site. (Total 35 minutes)
This event is completely free and is the culmination of the activities for our first birthday on the web.
The exhibition will be open to the public from the Electric World Linker (Sept. 1) to the Self-Existing Dog (Sept. 4) and the awards ceremony and closing ceremony will take place in the morning on Sept. 5. The hours are: Day 1 from 3 to 6 p.m. Days 2 to 4 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The prizes for the participants who win the favor of the attending public are:
1st place: Round trip ticket for two people to Baños de Aguasanta (courtesy of Transportes Baños), one night's lodging and one day of adventure sports (courtesy of Wonderful Ecuador)
2nd place: Lunch or dinner for 2 people at the Farallon Dillon Inn (Courtesy of the Ruta del Son Cultural Center)
3rd place: 10 hours of free internet (Courtesy of the Ruta del Son Cultural Center).
See you there!!!