
The 1st Ecological and Artistic Day to benefit the Recovery of the Estero Salado in the city of Guayaquil, takes place this Sunday from 9 am to 4:00 pm, and starts with a bicycle route from the Mobil gas station to Juan Tanca Marengo and then turn around and reach the New Kennedy Protective Forest at the height of the Medical Plaza, which is where the most concentrated garbage is found.

Among the activities that will be carried out during the ecological day we will have the following:

1.- The artists will paint the salty estuary in his honor and for his rescue.
2.- Environmentalists and the public will carry out a clean-up of the Bosque Protector and the Estero Salado. For this, the Municipal Department of the Environment will provide a dump truck and bags to collect the garbage.
3.- There will also be a bus from the Department of the Environment of the Very Illustrious Municipality of Guayaquil, which has an audiovisual room with capacity for 37 people with topics on the environment, global warming and recycling.
4.- We will have recycling companies such as Fabrinac (Fibras Nacionales) that will provide information on good environmental practices and recycling.
5.- Coordination is being done so that artisans who do excellent work with recycled materials also attend.
6.- We will hold forums where people will give their opinions and suggestions on how each of us can do our part to definitively rescue the Estero Salado.
7.- Some cyclists from the Ecuador Aventura Club will be present.
8.- We will also have the presence of the students of the Alegrías Infantiles Kindergarten-School, with their students from the 4th and 5th year of basic education with presentations on Water, Water Pollution and the Mangrove.
9.- The students of Lieutenant Hugo Ortiz will also support us in the Cleaning minga.

This is an initiative of a small group of friends, including environmentalists, painters, and professionals who love the planet, and we hope to bring it to life in this ecological day. And we have as our main sponsor the Department of the Environment of the Very Illustrious Municipality of Guayaquil.

More information:

Monica Solano de la Sala
Environmentalist and Friend of the Estero Salado
Tel: 2887110
Cell phone: 086756941
Email: monique2577@gmail.com or monica_solano@hotmail.com
Address: Cdla. Urdesa Norte Ave. 1st 436 and 6th Street.


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