
In this second installment, we begin to descend southwards along the Ruta del Sol. All the information has been taken from the La Ruta del Surf booklet from the Ministry of Tourism.

Saint Helena: THE NUÑEZ
Swell: SW/NW/N
Category: beach break
Wave direction: left and right
Wave size: 3 to 6 feet
Recommendations: mid-tide, no wind
Best months: January, February
Nearby attractions: Ayampe River, Olón Sanctuary, Montañita.
Emergency phone: Police 04 2942016, Civil Defense 042940594, Manglaralto Hospital 04 2901192

Saint Helena: SAN JOSE
Swell: SW/NW/N
Category: Beach break
Wave direction: left and right
Wave size: 3 to 6 feet
Recommendations: mid-tide, no wind
Best months: January, February
Nearby attractions: Ayampe River, Montañita, Olón Sanctuary
Emergency phone: Police 04 2942016, Civil Defense 042940594, Manglaralto Hospital 04 2901192

Saint Helena: OLON
Swell: SW/NW/N
Category: beach break
Wave direction: left and right
Wave size: 3 to 6 feet
Recommendations: mid-tide, no wind
Best months: January, February
Observations: Beware of bathers
Nearby attractions: Ayampe River, Olón Sanctuary, Montañita, Dos Mangas
Emergency phone: Police 04 2942016, Civil Defense 042940594, Manglaralto Hospital 04 2901192

Santa Elena: MONTAÑITA (Beach break)

Swell: S/SW/NW/N
Category: Beach break
Wave direction: left and right
Wave size: 3 to 7 feet
Recommendations: medium-high tide, no wind
Best months: January, February
Notes: Beware of hangover

Santa Elena: MONTAÑITA (Town)
Swell: S/SW/NW/N
Category: Beach break
Wave direction: left and right
Wave size: 3 to 6 feet
Recommendations: high and low tide, no wind
Best months: Every month
Observations: Beware of hangovers

Saint Helena: LITTLE MOUNTAIN (The Point)
Swell: S/SW/NW/N
Category: beach break
Wave direction: left and right
Wave size: 3 to 8 feet
Recommendations: high and low tide, no wind
Best months: Every month
Observations: Be careful with the rocks when entering and leaving. At low tide, paddle carefully with the rocks.
Nearby attractions: Trails and crafts in Dos Mangas, Olón Sanctuary.
Emergency phone: Police 04 2942016, Civil Defense 042940594, Manglaralto Hospital 04 2901192

Swell: SW/NW/N
Category: beach break
Wave direction: left and right
Wave size: 3 to 8 feet
Recommendations: mid-tide, no wind
Best months: Every month
Nearby attractions: Olón Sanctuary, Montañita, Dos Mangas, Libertador Bolívar.
Emergency phone: Police 04 2942016, Civil Defense 042940594, Manglaralto Hospital 04 2901192


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