Today, the depletion of fishing resources, water pollution, urban pressure on the coasts, the construction of large port infrastructures, climate change, and the maritime transport of toxic products are some of the problems that affect seas and oceans in this century in which we live.
Planet Earth should actually be called Ocean Planet, since water covers almost 3/4 of the planet's surface, the oceans contain 9/10 of the water resources and more than 97% of all living beings, they are the main protagonists in the formation of the climate and are the key to life on the planet.
For this reason, environmental organizations remind us of the need to comply with a minimum decalogue for the conservation of our oceans, which includes:
- Reduce and control large industrial fishing fleets
- Drastically reduce the impact of fishing activity on marine ecosystems
- Protecting the rights and livelihoods of artisanal fishers
- Declare a global network of marine protected areas
- Implement the FAO international action plan against illegal fishing
- Fighting the effects of climate change, especially in valuable ecosystems such as reefs and mangroves
- End the pollution of seas and oceans.
- Declare a fishing moratorium in deep-sea biodiversity zones
- Guarantee unlimited liability for industrial activities affecting oceans and seas.
- Effectively protect coastal ecosystems
Below, we share with you some other resources available on the topic at BallenitaSi:
Solid waste in the seas. Why are they a problem?
The Great Pacific Patch
Let's take care of the beaches
Pacific tuna bans. Are they sufficient?