
On July 26th, the new cycle within the 13 moon synchronization began. How should we work as a human collective to achieve a better planetary synchronization? White Rhythmic Mirror gives us an insight into the subject.

How can I organize? to balance?

Balance your feelings in the here and now.
Each first day of the ring (year), that is, the galactic signature of July 26, is known as the planetary mission that the human collective should carry out to complete its synchronization process. This coordinate is what humanity must achieve in its process of evolution of consciousness at an individual level, but that we all must carry out.
This ring (year) that began on July 26th, the mission of the human collective consists of controlling emotions as a fundamental step to reach the next evolutionary state which consists of becoming magicians, that is, co-creators of our own reality; the main condition to achieve this is to control emotions, to be able to experience the present moment, the only real time where the mind is in the ideal state to interpret its reality and to be able to intervene and guide it consciously. 

This collective human planetary mission is inscribed in the enchanted wave of the moon, which therefore becomes the learning mission for humans and consists precisely in the control of our emotions, which is nothing more than preventing our emotions from controlling our mind and actions and in this way being able to enter the here and now in order to be able to start working on these aspects of our reality that we want to manifest on the material plane with our mind completely awake and attentive.
In order to balance our feelings in the here and now, we first have to consider what spiritual guides call the natural mind, that is, the natural state of our mind, which is tranquility or the state in which we are free of all thought. It is enough to observe an animal to perceive that these creatures constantly live in this natural state of mind, that is, attentive to the present moment and their mind completely immersed in the experience they are living. We will never see an animal focused on problems of the past or dilemmas of the future... their entire being is immersed in the experience of the present time in which they are living and that is what our exercise is about, to understand and copy that state of mind. 
This is a vital part of the magician's training. In the present moment, the magician can observe his mind and consciously study the effect that the reality of his environment has on him, measured by the quality of the emotions that the experiences the magician lives produce in him. A magician must be focused on the here and now in order to consciously intervene in his reality, but taking into account his emotions and feelings that in one way or another take him out of the present moment and separate him from that innate ability to direct his energy to achieve his goals or desires.
According to the Vedas, the only way to perceive and interact with the mind of God or with the creative mind of the universe is in the present moment. If we truly want to advance in the exercise of creating our own reality, we must practice to reach this state that they call the here and now. 
It is about finding our center, learning to concentrate... for those who have not achieved it yet, it is about achieving the mental state in which we can maintain an intention for a long time in our mind without what happens around us coming to us and taking us away from that objective or desire.

 It seems hard to believe but there is a marked difficulty on the part of people to maintain their concentration for prolonged periods of time and this is vital to be able to create our own reality. 

We have all experienced ease and spontaneity when it comes to manifesting simple and very specific desires into reality, but we also know that when it comes to more complex things, the level of difficulty also increases, which precisely depends on the ability to maintain our concentration regardless of the situations that manifest in our daily reality.
Concentration also moves to the level of consciousness in which we have to achieve the greatest effectiveness in the management of our hologram, that is one of the perceptible faculties of the magician who is fully aware of his different energy levels, the way in which they operate and the way in which they affect him; by taking control of his hologram the magician learns to achieve in reality those effects that he wishes to cause and manages to harmonize his hologram to the point of controlling his energy and by achieving this the magician shows us the correct way to conduct our energy because by advancing in the plane of consciousness the magician discovers the mystery of life and realizes that in a natural way our bodies are wonderfully intelligent and have the power to heal themselves and once we understand this, we ourselves generate the conditions for our health and well-being at all levels: physical ... with the energy and strength necessary to survive the end of time, mental: with the wisdom necessary to conduct your energy in a healthy way and generate well-being, manifesting each time emotions of higher vibrational frequency in your hologram and with the consciousness necessary to be able to overcome the initiation tests in the management of energy that is intimately related to the knowledge of the chakras.
To broaden readers' understanding of the mission of this ring, we recommend everyone to review the quantum physics documentaries: WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW ABOUT US…..AND DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE, materials that show us from a scientific perspective the cultural or civilizational obstacles that we face in order to co-create our reality in an effective and harmonious way. 

Happy ring to all and may the great spirit help us reach this state of evolution that we will all face on this occasion and that real time shows us as a portal that we must voluntarily cross.

WHITE RHYTHMIC MIRROR: mirrorritmicoblanco@yahoo.com


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