
Image: rutadelsol.com.ec

We can make a positive difference when choosing our travel destinations by selecting sustainable companies that conserve natural resources (protecting flora and wildlife) and contribute to the well-being of local communities. In addition, we will be helping to ensure that these treasures remain there for future generations to enjoy.

Here are some best practices that will help make your visit have a positive impact:
At the hotel: Ask about environmental policies and practices. For example: Talk to staff about working conditions. Does the hotel support community development or conservation projects?
Language: Learn and use some words of the local language.
Dress: Learn about local customs and dress appropriately. In many places, modest dress is important.
Etiquette: Respect the privacy of locals. Ask permission before entering homes, private lands or sacred sites.
Photography: Be sensitive when deciding when and where to take photos and videos of people. Always ask first.
Environment: Respect the natural environment. Never touch or disturb wildlife. Always walk on designated trails. Support conservation by paying entrance fees to parks and other protected sites.
Animal and forest products: Never buy handicrafts, clothing, furniture or other products derived from protected or endangered species of plants or wild animals. Remember that in many countries it is illegal to bring these types of goods back home, so you can avoid an unpleasant experience.
Pay a fair price: Don't haggle too much or aggressively when buying souvenirs. Don't tip too little for services you receive, either.
Buy local: Choose locally owned hostels and hotels. Use buses, car rental agencies and airlines from the country or town you are visiting. Eat at local restaurants, shop at local markets and participate in community events.
Hire local guides: Taking tours with local guides enriches the experience and supports the local economy. Ask the guides if they are licensed and live nearby. Are they recommended by tour operators?
Share your experience with your loved ones, so that the multiplicative effect is greater. Spread these recommendations

In the following link you can find some of the tour operators in different places in Ecuador, who certify their work: Operators ViajeSostenible.org

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