Two of the "personalities" who have been most talked about in recent months were at the center of a controversy just after the last holiday.
The first is Bonil (Xavier Bonilla), one of the most renowned cartoonists in the country, who has been very critical of the government (as well as other authorities) and who works for El Universo, a media outlet that was "pardoned" from paying an immense amount of money and imprisonment for its directors in a trial that the president brought against him personally and that has not yet been resolved.
clarifies many of its components.
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The cartoon of the controversy. That there would be
past if instead of Quiñonez it were
to the kayak racer De Cesare who
They asked why he didn't accelerate more?
The other is sprinter Alex Quiñonez, who at the London Olympics raised the name of the country by reaching the finals of the 200m flat event in athletics.
El Universo published this cartoon on August 12 (in the middle of a holiday). Several fan pages such as Los íntimos somos más (pro-government) began to call the cartoonist racist, this idea was also adopted by several people who shared it on their walls. On the other hand, at the same time, there were comments that understood the drawing as a satire of the Traffic Law and its new penalties for speeding.
Several days later, the cartoonist makes some reflections that we now share:
»It is so obvious that some people are trying to distort and distort the meaning» … «When I read the first comments I swear I didn't understand why or where they saw racism or disrespect. «It is clear -said one- that in the drawing what he is saying is that «black man who runs is a black thief» and that is why they can arrest him».
«It is a drawing in which I simply appeal to the issue of fear of jail for «speeding» too much, because the law says that if you go too fast you go to prison, and that is a current issue that worries many. Why did I draw Alex Quiñónez? Simply because he was the character of the moment and the news.»
«When I draw Alex Quiñónez I am drawing an athlete. I am not drawing a “black man”, you understand? They are the ones who, when they see a black man running, immediately see a black thief. I am seeing an athlete… I see an individual. They see a black man. Who is the racist?»
I don't care if it's a good or bad "joke." I care about the erroneous interpretations, and those are racist. We continue to be a racist country where many supposed "fighters against discrimination" jump for joy when they mock, humiliate and degrade "the bigwigs," for example... What an incongruity!... he concludes.
According to Wikipedia: «Caricature can also be a means of ridiculing political, social or religious situations and institutions, and the actions of social groups or classes. In this case, it is usually intended to be satirical rather than humorous, with the aim of encouraging political or social change.»
On the other hand, some very valuable criteria insist that "a cartoon that needs an accompanying explanation simply did not communicate." What do you think?