I look around me, I see destroyed forests, fallen trees, dead animals and rivers running with polluted water and no fish.
Land that degrades, the white man has no compassion. Wealth and ambitions that kill, the Amazonian Indian silently watches his death coming.
Forests that shelter the Indian, out of love for their loyal guardian try to shelter him. Winds that blow with sadness, omen of the announced death, birds that sing at dawn, not with joy but with clamor: NOW!
Children who are hungry today, their eyes demanding an explanation of their future, the Indian who screams in anger; the ponds and lakes that dry up, the rivers and springs that resist contamination, the forests and animals trapped and without an escape, the white man does not forgive, Indians stripped of their territories and biodiversity.
States that do not respect, the Indian in search of refuge for his subsistence, Mother Earth who cries for her children, the children who cry for their MOTHER EARTH, then, why does the white man not respect the earth, life, pain?
But the Indian, faced with so much barbarity, rises up with his arrow and shouts to the spirit of his ancestors, to revive his faith, his hope, and there comes the Amazonian Indian, strong as the sun in rays, lightning and thunder.
Shout freedom! for your people, your brothers, the forest, the rivers, the springs, every living being and then united, our strength, with one heart, one feeling, will be the reason for our continuity on earth, our Amazon, our life, our reason for being, our Amazonian Indian pride. DAMN IT!!!
By: Abdala Calapucha and young people from COICA (Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin).
NOTE: Several regions of virgin forests and pristine woodlands in Ecuador and other countries are in danger of being destroyed by ambitious mining, oil and plantation projects of various kinds on a large scale. Indigenous peoples continue to resist.