
Dear friends: 

Today we will discuss a delicate topic worthy of urgent debate: The magnificence of love for our soil, where our being lives and inhabits. We hope to touch the hearts of women who are experiencing physical and mental health problems due to the enormous pollution that is already reaching our necks.

We will focus on the factors in which women are key to contributing to the reduction or eradication of toxic elements that affect both our families and society in general.

It is said that the spirit governs matter, and the role that women play in matters of pollution is detonating, since women were endowed with special talents and a healthy analytical criterion to guide their family as the nucleus of the family. She; mother, wife and companion; has the beautiful mission of raising awareness in those around her, to fulfill this arduous task, not only of purifying the earth's atmosphere, but also the psychological environment of those she loves most, starting at home.

We will begin by pointing out the toxic waste that comes out of the pipes in our home, with the kitchen and bathroom being the key places, and the laundry room being the densest and most urgent points of attention.

In the kitchen, for example, many women around the world empty the residue of vegetable oils and animal fats used to cook their food into the dishwasher, without even imagining that one litre of oil contaminates ten thousand litres of water.

And in the bathroom, how many times a day do you flush the toilet? Or, how many rolls of used toilet paper go straight to the municipal dumpster in a week?

What about the clothes we wash with liquid detergents and cleaning powders, bleaches, stain removers, and fabric softeners that are generally not biodegradable?

This accumulation of chemical waste that runs through the drains of small towns and large cities around the world ends up in rivers, and the rivers flow into the seas and join the chemical waste from large industries with the same fate.

And what about air pollution, my friends? How many of us have to swallow the smoke from our colleagues, family members, neighbours and friends who smoke, and sometimes even from ourselves? And not only that, some people use so-called hair sprays or fixatives that also pollute the atmosphere by accumulation.

The common man of the earth has forgotten to preserve the cleanliness of his world, he has forgotten to clean his boat and his ark where he keeps his most precious treasures of life: the forests (source of oxygen for the planet), the flora and the fauna. He has unconsciously created hunting and fishing clubs, where they are officially allowed to kill off the few species of animals that still remain on earth (our smaller brothers).
How can we women intervene to stop all this accumulation of abuses in our world? If “it is assumed” that women were created by God as true Amazons and warriors, capable of doing much for humanity, being an angel of love, light and conscience, but also of sacrifice, capable of driving away pain with just one of her kisses, capable of sowing hope with a smile in the human heart. Let us develop, then, dear friends, our recycling systems; our ability to fully fulfill our mission of BEING A WOMAN, collaborating decisively in the preservation of our planet, a sphere suspended in the sky, like a glorious lamp that lights up our lives, and the lives of our fellow men. No more doubts, fears and anguish, my friends, the solution is in our hands. We are free to assume or reject the commitment to preserve life and to truly give it with full hands, because we are clean, because we are honest, because… We are women…and within us resides the beauty of our own inner ecology as well!

Every woman is beautiful.

Article shared by Doral from the Hari Organic Farm Foundation.