
The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon (CONFENIAE), after hearing the testimony of leaders and grassroots representatives of the Sapara Nation of Ecuador on the events that have occurred in recent weeks in their territory, denounces before the local governments, state institutions, the Governorate of Pastaza, the Secretariat of Hydrocarbons and national and international public opinion:
For more than six months, the Sapara Nation of Ecuador (NASE) has had to face a severe crisis of governability within its territory. The direct impact of the extractive policy promoted by presidential mandate that seeks to expand the oil frontier in the southeastern Amazon has caused the division of the Sapara communities.
CONFENIAE and the nationalities of the Pastaza and Morona Santiago provinces have denounced the illegal conduct of the Hydrocarbons Secretariat and other public agencies, which under the pretext of carrying out a supposed “prior consultation” have encouraged organizational division. While many of the nationalities have remained firm in our position of rejection of the plundering of our territories, the Sapara Nation has experienced a fragmentation, the result of which is the existence of a pro-oil front and an anti-oil front.
Months ago, the Sapara indigenous communities called themselves to congresses and assemblies to analyze the internal crisis, resolving to maintain a coherent and consistent position with the more than 20 official statements of the Achuar, Shuar, Shiwiar, Waorani, Kichwa nationalities and CONFENIAE of firm opposition to the XI Round. In congresses held in the communities of Conambo (2012) and Torimbo (2013), with the majority of Sapara indigenous communities present, it was declared he “resounding rejection of the Southeast Round.” This position has been systematically disrespected by the pro-oil leadership, which is why the rank and file decided to ignore the previous Governing Council and form a new Council with representatives from the Sapara rank and file.
However, instead of abandoning the divisive practice, the line that defends particular economic interests with the financial backing of the Hydrocarbons Secretariat has continued to exert pressure and intimidation, even leading to acts of violence against communities opposed to the oil policy.
In the face of these events, CONFENIAE categorically rejects any act of pressure, intimidation and violence against the grassroots. We publicly state that the main party responsible and beneficiary of this situation is the central government and national and transnational oil companies; the government reaffirms its alignment with international economic interests and against the collective rights of the Amazonian indigenous nationalities, the rights of nature and compliance with a true, free, prior and informed consultation. We hold the government and its regional agencies responsible for the disastrous results that the extractive policy has caused in the territory of the Sapara Nation. We urge collective vigilance in the face of these events and solidarity with the firm commitment to struggle that the Sapara Nation, recognized as Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, has expressed for the defense of its territory.
The province of Pastaza, home to 7 nationalities and one of the greatest biodiversity on the planet, cannot be turned into a battlefield between our own brothers for the sake of a hydrocarbon policy. We therefore urge local authorities, elected representatives, leaders and social organizations to ensure that Amazonian interests are fulfilled and not allow our region to be used as a battlefield for multinational corporations. It is equally necessary to involve the justice authorities, since events such as those that have occurred generate tensions at an organizational level and can trigger judicial processes and persecution. Under these conditions, it is not possible to build a plurinational state and any slogan of revolution is pure demagogy, since, on the contrary, we find ourselves in the midst of a citizen regression.
Puyo, Pastaza, March 1, 2013.
Franco Viteri Gualinga
President of CONFENIAE