Your beautiful beaches are great potential,
Your fishing and your people are traditional.
The burning sun at dawn
changes colors at sunset.
Diversity of birds wanting to fish,
They come from far away and adorn the sea.
The spot tells you when to fish,
People gather at the seaside
with nets and boats to go fishing,
coastal tradition ancestral culture.
Mullet is a delicious delicacy from the sea
roasted or fried is a special dish.
Pipián is a dish of ancestral culture
with modifications the flavor is the same.
Diversity of birds, give you joy
when tourists visit the sea.
They catch small fish and bring them to the shore,
With their long beaks they eat and leave.
Migratory birds come to Ecuasal,
exotic landscape cultural paradise,
The Chilean Flamingo with its gallant parade
and its diverse colors adorn Ecuasal.
Whales jumping for warmth,
They come from Antarctica to our Ecuador,
its soft and lulling song
strengthens the soul of the great fisherman.
Dolphins diving, looking for salmon
They walk in a herd
exciting presentation.
Tourism is our strength and it is our passion
generates work for the population
Gastronomy invites you to taste
the rich crustacean products of the sea.
By Yolanda Romero Moreira. Doña Yoli is a food entrepreneur in the San Pablo Sta. Elena Commune, Ecuador