
By: P. Rasa Bihari D. 

Absolutely outraged, this video shows all the stupidity, disguised as tradition. Alcohol and an ignorant mass thirsty for blood, who enjoy the possibility of a tragedy, and according to the “fans” – “…if there is not at least one death, the celebrations were not worth it…”

Until when will the authorities give this macabre circus to the ignorant mob?

Until when will state institutions organize these days of human misery, which brutalize these citizens?

Until when are each of us complicit in these events, through our silence?

It is time to do something... at least, express our disgust at so much stupidity, at the fact that so many continue to think that they, the animals, are there for our enjoyment, that they do not feel and that they do not suffer.

It's time to say and do.

Machachi, what a shame!!!