
When paleontological fossils were found in Tanque Loma near Quebrada Seca in La Libertad on November 2, 2003, one of the most talked about myths for decades began to be clarified, that of the Sumpa Giants, since what had been presumed for some years, that is, the existence of Megafauna and human life in the peninsular region, was beginning to be elucidated.

The UPSE, realizing the importance of the discovery, established a research and rescue program. Later, to disseminate the results of this research, the Paleontological Museum called Megaterio was built. 
The museum currently displays:
  • Fossil remains of megafauna in different stages of growth; that is, large mammals that lived in the Pleistocene (50,000-8,000 years before the current era), and that weighed between one and four tons and were over 3 meters long, including megatherium, mastodon, American horse, macrouchenia, glyptodont, and paleollama, all of these identified in the Tanque Loma sector in La Libertad.
  •  The legend of the Sumpa giants.
  •  Stone tools such as awls and chonta points that show human presence.
We invite everyone to visit this place that gives us a mental twist to what was experienced several thousand years ago in this same land.
These are the details of the Megaterio museum:
Address: University Citadel (La Libertad- Santa Elena road).
Saint Helena – Ecuador
Telephones 593 (4) 27884305 Ext. 107
email: museopaleontológico@upse.edu.ec