
Our beliefs or political ideas matter very little, the system established in our world rests freely on a kind of tacit contract approved by each one of us. We sign it every morning by simply doing nothing.

1. I accept competition as the basis of our system, even though I am aware that its operation creates frustration and misery for the vast majority of losers.

2. I agree to be humiliated or exploited on the condition that I am allowed to humiliate or exploit those who occupy a lower position in the social pyramid.

3. I accept the social exclusion of the marginalized, the misfits and the weak, because I consider that the burden that society can assume has its limits.

4. I agree to pay the banks to invest my salary as they see fit and not to receive any dividends from their huge profits, which will be used to plunder poor countries, a fact that I implicitly accept. I also agree that they deduct a large commission for lending me money that is none other than that of the rest of the clients.

5. I accept that we freeze or throw away tons of food so that the stock market does not collapse, instead of offering it to those in need and preventing hundreds of thousands of people from dying of hunger every year.

6. I accept that it is illegal to end your own life quickly. Instead, I tolerate it being done slowly, by inhaling and ingesting toxic substances authorized by governments and health agencies.

7. I accept that war is waged in order to make peace. I accept that in the name of peace, the first expenditure of governments is that of defence. I accept, therefore, that conflicts are artificially created in order to get rid of the stock of weapons and thus feed the world economy.

8. I accept the hegemony of oil in our economy even though it is an expensive and polluting energy, and I agree to prevent any attempt to replace it with other new free and unlimited means of producing energy, which would be our downfall.

9. I accept the condemnation of the murder of another human being, unless governments decree that he is an enemy and encourage me to kill him.

10. I accept that public opinion will be divided by creating right-wing and left-wing parties that will fight each other, making me believe that I have freedom of choice and that the system is progressing. I also accept all possible divisions as long as they allow me to direct my misery towards the designated enemies when their portraits are waved before my eyes.

11. I accept that the power to shape public opinion, previously held by religions, is now in the hands of non-democratically elected businessmen who are completely free to control states because I am convinced that they will make good use of it.

12. I accept that happiness comes down to comfort, love, sex and the freedom to satisfy all my desires because that is what advertising tells me every day. The more unhappy I am, the more I will consume. I will play my role in contributing to the smooth running of our economy.

13. I accept that a person's worth should be measured by his bank account, that his usefulness should be judged by his productivity and not by his qualities, and that he should be excluded from the system when he is not productive enough.

14. I accept that football players and actors are generously rewarded, and even less so teachers and doctors responsible for the education and health of future generations, because I recognize that an entertained society is less dangerous than a thinking one.

15. I accept that older people whose experience could be useful to us should be banished from society, because as we are the most evolved civilization on the planet (and certainly in the universe), we know well that experience is not shared or transmitted.

16. I accept being presented with negative and frightening news from the world every day so that I can appreciate how normal our situation is and how lucky I am to live where I do. I know that keeping fear in my mind can only be beneficial to me.

17. I accept that industrialists, military personnel and politicians meet regularly to make, without consulting us, decisions that compromise the future of life and the planet.

18. I agree to consume hormone-treated beef without being explicitly warned. I agree to the cultivation of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) spreading throughout the world, allowing multinational agribusinesses to patent living beings, amass huge profits, and have global agriculture under their thumb.

19. I accept that international banks lend money to countries that want to arm themselves and fight, and that they choose those who will go to war and those who will not. I am aware that it is better to finance both sides of the same war to be sure of making money, and to prolong conflicts as long as possible in order to be able to completely seize their resources if they cannot repay their loans.

20. I accept that multinationals should refrain from applying the social progress of the most advanced countries to disadvantaged countries, considering that it is already a blessing for them that they are forced to work. I prefer that the laws in force in these countries that allow children to be forced to work in inhuman and precarious conditions be used. In the name of human and civil rights, we have no right to interfere.

21. I accept that politicians can be of dubious honesty and perhaps even corrupt. I also think that this is normal given the pressure they are under. For the rest, on the other hand, zero tolerance is preferable.

22. I accept that pharmaceutical laboratories and agri-food industries sell expired products in underprivileged countries or use carcinogenic substances that are banned in most developed countries.

23. I accept that the rest of the planet, that is, four billion individuals, may think differently on condition that they do not come to express their beliefs in our house and even less to try to explain our History with their primitive philosophical notions.

24. I accept that there are only two possibilities in nature: to hunt or to be hunted, and if we are endowed with consciousness and language, it is certainly not to escape this duality, but to justify why we act in this way.

25. I accept that our past is an uninterrupted succession of conflicts, political conspiracies and hegemonic wills, but I know that today all this no longer exists because we are at the pinnacle of civilization and the rules that govern our world are the search for happiness and freedom for all peoples, as we hear incessantly in our political speeches.

26. I accept without discussion and consider as true all the theories proposed to explain the mysteries of our origins and I accept that nature has dedicated millions of years to creating a human being whose only hobby is the instant destruction of his own species and the rest.

27. I accept the pursuit of profit as the supreme goal of humanity and the accumulation of wealth as the fulfillment of human life.

28. I accept the destruction of forests, the near disappearance of fish from our rivers and oceans. I accept the increase in industrial pollution and the spread of chemical poisons and radioactive elements in nature. I accept the use of all kinds of chemical additives in my food, because I am convinced that if they are added it is because they are useful and harmless.

29. I accept arbitrarily printed money without any backing as the only way to deal with scarcity, even though we are in the age of technology and it is no longer a real problem. I accept the economic war that brutally punishes the planet, even though I feel that it is leading us to an unprecedented catastrophe.

30. I accept this situation, and I admit that I cannot do anything to change it or improve it.

31. I accept being treated like cattle because I definitely think I'm not worth more.

32. I agree not to raise any questions, to close my eyes to all this and not to formulate any real opposition because I am too busy with my life and my worries. I even agree to defend this contract to the death if I am asked to do so.

33. I accept, then, with all my soul and conscience, this sad and fictitious zeitgeist that is put before my eyes to prevent me from seeing the reality of things. I know that you all act for my good and for the good of everyone, and for that I thank you.

Written by an anonymous person on 11/09/2003


Fountain: http://www.zeitgeistec.com/