
If it makes you uncomfortable to read it... imagine hearing it every day, every time you go out.

This is the reality of many women in their daily lives, when they go to work, when they walk down the street, when they travel on the bus or the subway.

From as young as 10 years old, all women are subjected to these types of aggressive and intimidating comments practically every day of their lives.

Socially, we minimize these attacks because we consider them part of our culture, and thus women are led to tolerate this violence and normalize it as part of being a woman. Women who complain are branded as exaggerated, even ungrateful, for refusing to accept that unknown men attack them in public.

This campaign, which has already been carried out this year in countries such as Argentina and Peru, is now starting in Ecuador and seeks to break that silence and put the viewer in the place of the woman who receives the comments.

The increase in explicit violence and the number of comments seek to reproduce the spectrum of things to which we are exposed, with the intention of explaining, through experience, what street harassment consists of and why even a simple “hello, beautiful…” can be uncomfortable for a woman today.

Share in all your spaces to help raise awareness in men and women about this reality that we live daily and visit the international campaign page