The Citizen Forum for the Future of the Dry Forests of Guayaquil that will be held at Casa Grande University on June 19, It aims to be a space for discussion and analysis among local stakeholders interested in the management and conservation of the remaining dry forests in the canton.
The meeting will discuss the various actions that citizens and local and regional authorities are carrying out and will evaluate the most suitable management alternatives to maintain this natural heritage.
The development of the agenda will serve to analyze the social and environmental context of the city's forests and the legal and conservation situation of protective forests on the Ecuadorian coast.
The conservation status of the remaining dry forests in Guayaquil (Cerro Blanco, Paraíso, Colorado, Bosqueira and Puná Island) will be analyzed.
Official representatives will present the management of dry forests in Guayaquil by the Ministry of Environment, the Municipality of Guayaquil and the Prefecture of Guayas.
Finally, the role of civil society in the conservation of dry forests will consider the experiences of Cerros Vivos (Miguel Matute, Director), Trees without Borders (Natalia Roca, Director), Cerros Verdes (Federico Koelle) and Quijada Manabita (Antonio Pico).
The day after the Forum, on June 20, the Ecocultural Fair will be held at Cerro Paraíso, which includes a solstice celebration and an eco-fair throughout the morning.
The event is free and registration is limited (160 places). To register for the Forum please fill out the form at the following link
More information: Natalia Torres