
Last August 21 cycling groups from Ecuador met in the province of Santa Elena to analyze the problems of cycling in Ecuador and to promote the development and strengthening of cycling throughout the country.

Some of the positive results were the meeting itself of a significant number of those who promote, encourage and use the bicycle as a real alternative for transportation; as well as continuing with the work by planning a second meeting that is planned to take place in the city of Cuenca in April 2015.

Equally important is the document that is circulating throughout the country, which is the MANIFESTO OF THE UNION OF CYCLISTS OF ECUADOR (full document below) which takes into account some considerations of the current situation in our country, proposals based on the legal parameters that govern us and the request that these regulations and laws be fully complied with by the competent authorities so that this sporting activity and way of life can be carried out safely.

Ballenita Magazine Yes , in its constant drive for this activity, joins this Manifesto and undertakes to continue supporting the activities carried out in this regard through all means at its disposal.

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