
Four organic products that aim to reduce the use of agro-toxins in food production in Ecuador and at the same time contribute through the income from the sales of these products to development programs and the promotion of Agro-ecology in Ecuador are announced by the Federation of Agricultural Centers and Peasant Organizations of the Litoral (FECAOL).


It is a high-performance solid organic fertilizer, it has stabilized and labile organic matter, which makes it unique in the market, since it allows it to be incorporated into the soil structure, feeding the plant, also physically improving the properties of the soil.

It has the macro and micro nutrients necessary for crops, improves the structure and porosity of the soil, thus forming a favorable environment for the development of roots, and also incorporates and reproduces the beneficial microorganisms associated with the roots allowing the release and absorption of nutrients from the soil.


Insect and pest repellent for all crops. The formula is based on the extract of native plants with repellent properties, whose characteristics have been studied and recognized by many academics, obtaining the essence in an anaerobic fermentation process.

Its natural content does not affect the plantation, animals or people who apply it. It can also be used as a preventive measure against pest attacks.

FECAORGANICIt is a cocktail of beneficial microorganisms captured in the virgin mountains of the Ecuadorian tropics, which through an anaerobic process are inoculated for several weeks, thus obtaining millions of microorganisms per milliliter of product. 

These will be incorporated into the microbial life of the soil, activating the natural processes of recycling, decomposition and capture of nutrients for the plants, adhering to the roots and facilitating the exchange and absorption of nutrients. In addition, when used on the leaves of the plants, they strengthen the foliar microfauna and natural immunity against diseases and pests, mainly against viruses.


It is a complete foliar fertilizer, rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, boron, zinc, directly assimilated by plants, its high nutritional content quickly improves the health of the crop, making it less vulnerable to pests and diseases, increasing flowering and consequently crop production.

According to Richard Scott Intriago, representative of FECAOL, "After a long journey and together with a group of expert farmers, we have been able to develop these unique formulas for organic production, which have been tested for decades on very well-known farms on the coast (of Ecuador).

To request more information or place orders, please call: 0959799680 or 042-365101 or write to the email organicosfecaol@gmail.com