The largest and most important Agroecological Fair in Ecuador will take place this Friday, October 16, at the Main Plaza of the University of Guayaquil within the framework of the National Festival of Food Sovereignty, organized for the fourth consecutive year by the Federation of Agricultural Centers and Peasant Organizations of the Coast (FECAOL) with the support of more than 20 organizations nationwide.
The Agroecological Fair will bring together more than 70 producers from the three regions of continental Ecuador and the attendance of more than 7,000 people is expected, who will also enjoy the participation of about 15 national artists who will accompany the event with their work.
The event will be divided into five spaces:
- Organic and agroecological foods (vegetables, fruits, vegetables and processed products)
-Crafts (crafts, paintings, etc.)
-Typical and traditional food from the coast, mountains and the Amazon
-Pamba Mesa (traditional food exchange)
-Artistic and musical festival
According to Katherine Intriago from FECAOL, "80 producers of organic and agroecological foods from the coast, mountains and Amazon are expected. We will also have preserves, processed products, crafts, Creole food, organic fertilizers, plants, and information tables on responsible consumption. We will also have an artistic and cultural festival throughout the day with dances, theater, and music representing our different cultures and ethnicities."
During the previous day, very early in the morning, there will be a massive march of peasants from all over the country through several of the streets of Guayaquil, in rejection of transgenic crops, which, although prohibited by the Constitution of the Republic and constituting an imminent danger to human health and agrobiodiversity, are being marketed and planted in the province of Los Ríos in full view of the control authorities. Other issues to be addressed are the defense of the autonomy of the peasant social security and the IESS; defense of water and land for peasant families; the lack of public policies to strictly regulate marketing and intermediaries, which are those that maintain the constant growth of poverty and exploitation of peasant families; the defense of rural schools, which are constantly being closed by the government without even an opinion from the communities; the lack of secondary access roads to the enclosures and communities, which hinder both the transportation of peasant families and also the exit of agricultural products. The issues demanded by the Ecuadorian peasantry were previously discussed at various peasant summits held a few days ago.
All the marchers will arrive at the place where the largest Agroecological Fair in the country will be held.
If you want to follow the event and learn more about the participants and their products, please follow the link below