
PachaMamita . Art: Damiana Saenz


By: Analía Bernardo

I am Sedna, the goddess of the sea, the creator of the
Arctic Inuit
and among the Navajo I am the Changing Woman, spider goddess of creation, mother of Heaven
and the Earth.
I am Great Grandmother Wakan of the Sioux, the
White Buffalo Woman of the Lakota and the Woman of the
Peyote of the Huichol people.

I am Ixchel, the moon goddess of the Mayans and
Tonacayohua, the sky goddess of the Totonacs.
The Mexicas called me Lady of the Jade Skirt and
Lady of the Snake Skirt because she produced the
life, cyclical death and regeneration.

In Central America, I have been celebrated under the name
of Feathered Flower, the Star that smokes in the forest,
patron of love, sexuality, codices and

In Colombia I am Bauche, the creator snake goddess
In the Iguapé lagoon and in the jungles I am Nunguí, the
fertile goddess who dances in the fields of cassava planted
by the Jivaro women. The Incas called me
Pachamama and they recognized me in my daughters: Saramama,
Cocamama, Axomama, Coyamama and Sañumama.

I am the Jaguar Woman of the Andes and the Black Jaguar
from the Amazon. On the coasts of Brazil and Uruguay
They call me Iemanjá, the moon goddess that emerges from the sea. And
For the Tobas of the Paraguayan and Argentine Chaco I am
Aquehua, the sun goddess who came down to earth to
beget the first human beings and returned to the
sky to nourish life.

I am the Mermaid of the Paraná and the Maiden of the Grass
Mate. Among the pampas I am the Llorona, the Evil Light of
the bones and the Old Woman dressed as a Bride. I have also
been Telesita and the Difunta Correa.

Among the Araucanians I am the Spirit of the Pehuén, the
Mother Goddess of the Mapuches. I dance, sing, prophesy and
I heal with the machis, the only active priestesses of
those lands. And with sacred masks I was dancing
with the Onas and Yagans of the southern lands of

I am many and I am one. I am Pachamama