
National protests against the entry of genetically modified crops into Ecuador

Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa vetoed the Law on Seeds, Agrobiodiversity and Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture 5 days before the end of his term, with the aim of allowing the entry of genetically modified seeds and crops for research purposes, which directly violates the Constitution of Ecuador, and yet the National Assembly approved the veto and the law has been entered into the official registry. 

Very few countries in Latin America have allowed the entry of this type of seeds for research purposes, which has opened the door to genetic contamination of local crops and the subsequent legalization of GMOs, while in Europe 19 countries have banned the entry of GMOs due to their serious environmental, agricultural and health effects. 
For this reason, FECAOL – National Peasant Movement filed a claim of unconstitutionality in the Constitutional Court (the same one that is expected to be reapplied by other organizations at the national level) and now we are calling for a National Platoon in the governorships or offices of the National Assembly in the main cities of the country to reject the entry of GMOs into Ecuador, expecting an immediate response from the current government of Lenin Moreno who has supposedly mentioned an interest in national dialogue with social organizations, peasants, montubios, and peoples of the coast.

The general public is invited to participate in the NATIONAL SIT-IN that will take place on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. in front of the Governor's Offices of each province to join the peasant and social organizations of Ecuador to reject the Law of Agrobiodiversity, Seeds and Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture that allows the entry of transgenic crops and seeds into the country, with the consequent effects on the environment, farmers and the health of consumers.

Spokesperson: Richard Intriago, President FECAOL 0994675989