
Honorable President of the Republic of Ecuador, Mr. Daniel Noboa,

Dear Minister of Health, Dr. Franklin Encalada,

We address you as concerned citizens and as committed members of Ecuadorian society, in order to express our concerns regarding Ecuador's possible accession to the Treaty on Pandemics proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Our concern is based on the Lack of transparency and the absence of clear information on the terms and consequences of the treaty, which leads us to question the convenience of its ratification by Ecuador.

Our request to reconsider Ecuador's position regarding the signing of this treaty is based on the following points:

  1. Transparency and disclosure of informationWe strongly call for detailed and transparent information to be provided on the specific terms and conditions of the proposed treaty. It is essential that Ecuadorian citizens are fully informed about the implications that this agreement may have on our lives and our ability to cope with future health emergencies, as well as on the availability and access to different types of treatments.

  2. Impact on sovereignty and autonomy:We are concerned about the potential impact this treaty could have on the sovereignty and autonomy of Ecuador and individuals in critical matters related to public health and pandemic management. It is imperative that any international agreement respects and strengthens Ecuador's ability to make sovereign decisions for the benefit of its population, without undermining its independence and its authority to safeguard the health of all Ecuadorians.

  3. Citizen participation and inclusive dialogueWe urge that the participation of civil society, public health experts, representatives of indigenous communities and other relevant actors be actively promoted in the negotiation and decision-making process around this treaty. It is essential to foster an inclusive dialogue that reflects the diversity of perspectives and experiences of our society.

  4. Inclusion of natural and traditional knowledge and practices:During the pandemic, various natural and traditional practices and knowledge were successfully implemented in the management of health and well-being. It is crucial that the Ecuadorian State recognizes and values the contribution of these practices to public health, as well as promotes their respectful and coordinated integration with conventional approaches, so that they are made visible and validated in said Treaty.

I do not accept that Ecuador signs a Pandemic Treaty without my clear knowledge and consent

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We therefore respectfully request that ECUADOR REFRAIN FROM SIGNING ANY DOCUMENT, WHETHER CALLED TREATY, AGREEMENT OR ANY VARIANT OF THE WHO NAME ON PANDEMICS until our legitimate concerns have been addressed and full transparency has been ensured, clear and accessible information has been provided, and an informed and participatory debate has been promoted in Ecuador.

We thank you in advance for your attention to this matter of vital importance for the health and well-being of all Ecuadorians.