
Lcda. Tania Rios S. (Tourism Management and Operation) of the Cerro Blanco Protective Forest invites those interested to register for the XIV Course of environmental interpreters in the Tropical Dry Forest, these are the details:

Date: March 21 to April 2, 2011
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 08:00 – 14:00
Investment: $100
Includes: Conferences, Materials, Refreshments and certificate of participation.
Aimed at: Students of Biology, Tourism, Ecotourism, Environmental Engineering, Forestry Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, and related careers.
Course content: Talks and field practices on the following topics:

Cerro Blanco Management Policies
Cerro Blanco Tourism Program
Concepts of Ecology
Ornithology Concepts - Birds of Cerro Blanco
Geological aspects of Cerro Blanco
Climatic aspects of the region
Captive Wildlife Management
Wildlife Problems in Ecuador
Guidance Techniques
Environmental Education
Environmental Interpretation
Mammals of Cerro Blanco
Body Expression Techniques
Ecotourism Concepts
Entomology Concepts
National System of Protected Areas
Dry Forest Concepts
Restoration of the Dry Forest - Production of native plants in a Forest Nursery
Botany, dry forest
Herpetofauna Concepts

Registration requirements: Send by email the Curriculum Vitae with a current photo to the address fundacionprobosque@ymail.com

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