
Complementary Works currently
executed are the cause of controversy

A series of complementary works at the rear of the home  which housed the old Manglaralto Power Plant, are now the subject of controversy, as there is a sector that claims that by building the stage currently, part of the pools are being destroyed.

According to Mario Maldonado, former director of Culture of the Province, it was he who rediscovered this building in 2008 and then managed to obtain protection under the Patrimonial Emergency decree so that it could be restored with the vision of becoming a Community Cultural Center. The restoration was completed in December of the same year. Additionally, it was planned, in his words:  "The construction of classrooms for workshops in the backyard; a stage over the heritage pools so as not to affect them and preserve them as part of the history of Manglaralto, all of this in materials that are friendly to the natural environment and the house itself, in addition to being from the area to give it added value," he added.

This is where the controversy comes in, since these works are currently being developed, but in his opinion they violate those initial intentions. According to Maldonado, in the current adjustments "theA third of the pools now rest under a cement structure for stands, the rest, which was also destroyed, have been attempted to be rebuilt with cement in an attempt to remedy the irremediable.

Susana Gomezjurado, the current Director of Culture, defends her actions by emphasizing that the National Institute of Cultural Heritage is in charge of the intervention and that the works will continue because the heritage house and the work of the previous administration have not been touched; since the current complementary works are located in the back part of the house and have also been agreed upon with the community. She has also offered to present the report prepared by the INPC on the subject in the next few days. 

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