Category Archives: educaciòn niños

Urban trees. 7 reasons to adopt one.

Environmental education for children, for a reforested Ancón Trees function as enormous lungs in [...]

Environmental education, the first step towards evolution

The incorporation of environmental values in children, both by educational institutions [...]

20 reasons for children to start learning art.

Artistic crafts made by children with the support of the Ser Libre organization. The essence [...]

Lorenzo's Pot: A story to raise awareness about disabilities.

Children with disabilities (motor, intellectual or sensory) do not know why they have them; however [...]

Meetings in Olón towards a non-directive education.

With the aim of promoting harmony between humans and nature, [...]

Profiles of our history

Profiles of our history is a new radio production by CIESPAL with a series of [...]

Let's save the sea: The adventures of Pulpirecicla.

The various types of pollution caused by substances and energies that do not belong to the marine environment [...]

New television space where children and adolescents from Sta. Elena are the protagonists.

Buen Dato is the name of the new television proposal that through the [...]