The World According to Monsanto, a film that exposes the genetically modified giant

The World according to Monsanto, in free presentation Wednesday, May 8 at 8:00 p.m. [...]

Quito and Guayaquil joined the campaign for the decriminalization of marijuana

Photo: Romina Luna Hundreds of people in Quito and a smaller group in Guayaquil [...]


By Guido Calderon. In order to increase domestic tourism, the government eliminated months [...]

Red Book of Mammals in Ecuador

One of the most important tools for the conservation of wildlife on the planet is the so-called [...]

Inter-American Court of Human Rights arrives in Sarayaku and will then meet in Guayaquil

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights will arrive in Ecuador in the next few days. During its visit [...]

Tell the President of Ecuador to ban animal abuse in military training

Unedited reproduction of the petition originally published on We request that measures be taken to [...]

SOP Without Planned Obsolescence

The concept of planned obsolescence emerged between 1920 and 1930 with the intention of creating a [...]

A major setback for the WWF.

WWF/Spain, one of the chapters of WWF (World Wildlife Fund), one of the [...]

The company pollutes, the authorities ignore it, the people rise up.

A claim that has been made for more than 15 years by [...]

Join us for the Planet and turn off the lights. TODAY

Earth Hour is an international initiative that brings together millions of people and [...]