Ten natural solutions for home cleaning

Detergents, floor cleaners, stain removers, ammonia, grease solvents, glass cleaners, foams for cleaning the oven... the list goes on [...]

«The Tree Factory», the first ecological novel of the 21st century.

"The Tree Factory" by Miguel Gillaranz is the first ecological novel of the 21st century; [...]

The Landless, Waterless, Sealess, and Mangroveless People Speak

Comrade, we, the peoples, nationalities and organizations of the coastal region, have a long history [...]

10 new developments in the world of fashion on the path to sustainability.

By Melissa Breyer. Textile production is one of the dirtiest industries in the world. [...]

ECUADOR: Number of peasants accused of terrorism increases.

On November 12, 2012, in the Fifth Criminal Court of [...]

Manu Chao, Galeano and other artists raise their voices against mega-mining

For a Law that prohibits open-pit, nuclear and radioactive polluting mining, which [...]

New Virtual Library on maritime issues in Ecuador

Since mid-November of this year 2012, the General Directorate of Maritime Interests [...]

Space junk orbiting Earth exceeds 16,000 pieces

'Space junk' refers to active or inactive satellites that have been launched [...]

Our Amazon, Our Life, Our Reason for Being

I look around me, I see destroyed forests, fallen trees, dead animals and running rivers [...]