Category Archives: ruta del spondylus
Let us respect and support bans for the conservation of marine species
The closed seasons are the period of time in which hunting or fishing is prohibited; their [...]
The Surf Route is part of the attractions of the Spondylus Route, and [...]
Ayampe, a hidden gem in Ecuador's Pacific
Finca Punta Ayampe Between the lush green of the hills and sandy beaches of the [...]
The charms of the Spondylus Route by bike.
Through a wide variety of routes, with beautiful and safe trails, in different places [...]
Sweet Life on the Spondylus Route
Benito's Sweets in the La Entrada commune (Spondylus route), with a wide [...]
Point to Point 2012.
The POINT TO POINT: NEW SITE – TWO HEATS cycling competition is back, which [...]
Ballenita Park will be rehabilitated thanks to community management.
The Sta. Mariana de Jesus Park, located in front of the Carrera Sánchez Bruno School in Ballenita [...]
Birdwatching Map on the Spondylus Route
Ecuador, despite being one of the smallest countries in South America, is [...]
Birdwatching on the Ruta del Sol
Our country has one of the greatest diversity of birds in the entire American continent. [...]
Bird counting in Loma Alta
By Pablo Valero. Loma Alta is located in the Chongón – Colonche mountain range near the West Pacific. [...]