
In honor of Earth Day, we share tips on how we can be an active part of caring for our only Great Home in our daily lives.

YOU CAN HELP by changing your coffee drinking habits. Polystyrene can take more than a thousand years to decompose after we drink our coffee. Next time you drink coffee, try not to drink it from a polystyrene cup. Use your imagination if necessary.

YOU CAN HELP by saying no to cigarette butts. A cigarette butt can last up to 10 years before decomposing. Besides being dirty and visually polluting, they are the cause of choking, especially among small birds. It is also another reason to quit smoking!!

YOU CAN HELP by saying “NO.” Every year, more than 50 million trees and over 75 billion liters of water are used to produce more than 7 million tons of junk mail. The next time you receive junk mail, contact the company and ask them to remove you from their mailing list.

YOU CAN HELP by using public transport (or better yet, by bike). For every km travelled, public transport uses almost half of what a normal car consumes.

YOU CAN HELP by turning off the computer. The energy consumed by leaving the computer on at night can print 10,000 photocopies. TURN OFF

You Can Help (Part 2). Special for Earth Day

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