
The archaeological heritage of La Libertad, one of the largest in Ecuador, since it covers almost the entire central area of this very active city on the Santa Elena Peninsula, is at risk of being destroyed for several reasons, including: 

1: The lack of mandatory presence of an archaeologist in every new construction where foundations are made. 

2: The delay in the delivery of resources from the moment they are requested, when it has already been verified that a deposit exists or in the continuation of the works.
3. The lack of clear regulations or ordinances at the municipal level that allow the law to be enforced.

We had the opportunity to take a tour of some archaeological sites in La Libertad with archaeologist Erick López, who explained to us that one of the proposed solutions is the formation of the Heritage Conservation Institute, an entity that should be formed and represented by some institutions such as the Municipality, University, among others.

At the moment, it takes 3 to 4 months from the moment a site is found until funds start flowing in. Bureaucratic slowness does not match the technical urgency with which action should be taken, since the probability of theft, loss due to new vegetation growing on floors where excavation has already taken place, damage by animals and environmental factors obviously increases with each passing day.

It should be remembered that the archaeological site known as OGS-47 covers practically the entire central area of La Libertad, and when excavating and depending on the depth at which it is done, the remains are from Las Vegas, Valdivia, Guangala, Huancavilca.

The importance of caring for and enhancing these heritage lies mainly in rescuing our true history, which reminds us that before the European invasion of these lands, there already existed well-established societies, with customs and ways of life. 
This, without forgetting the importance at the level of cultural tourism, which is gaining more and more followers in different corners.

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