Those of us who leave aside patriotic celebrations to celebrate other more playful ones, want to send an interstellar greeting to John Winston Ono Lenon, who is celebrating his 70th birthday with millions of followers on planet Earth. (1940-1980)
John Lennon has been best known around here as the vocalist of the Liverpool band, The Beatles, but without a doubt, much of his work as a soloist has been, in his opinion and also in that of many critics, one of the richest in music and thought.
There have been many acts of celebration around the world, even his wife Yoko Ono made a statement that appears on You Tube, where she said: «My dear friends, 70 years ago today, on October 9, 1940, John Lennon was born in Liverpool, England. He had a very hard childhood, in which he was able to see very little of his parents. But he was able to turn all that pain into giving the world beautiful songs with important messages that changed the thinking and way of living of many. And now I see that everyone is celebrating his birthday, to thank him for giving us so much in his short and intense life on the planet. I know that John did not expect so much love coming from you yet. But he would have been very happy to know. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope we are able to heal ourselves and learn to love each other in peace. I love you all,»
From Ballenita, we want to join this tribute, that's why we share with you the translation of Imagine, a hit from their album of the same name and which refers to the change of consciousness that their music made in many minds of the time and today as well. Enjoy it!!!!