
Photo: Undersecretariat of Fisheries of Ecuador

This coming July 1st and until October 7th, 2011, the entire Ecuadorian coast will be banned from fishing dorado.

During this period, fishing for this species will be regulated for artisanal and industrial fleets. The ban will continue throughout the year for dorados with a total length of less than 80 centimetres.

According to some traders, the ban affects them because they claim that they make a living from the commercialisation of fishing.
According to the agreement, merchants or establishments authorized to store this or any other product during the ban, must notify the Undersecretariat of Fisheries of the respective verification of their inventory up to five days prior to the beginning of the ban; days ago only large supermarkets had carried out this procedure. Control and compliance with the ban will be carried out by fishery inspectors, who will issue a certificate of monitoring of incidental fishing and a guide for the movement of fishery products to demonstrate the origin of the fishing.

Those who do not comply with the ban may be sanctioned in accordance with the Fisheries and Fisheries Development Law.

The ban on dorado fishing also includes the regulation of the use of fishing gear, the size and type of hooks for its capture.

This year, the dorado reached 2.80 dollars, due to the fact that the number of catches decreased in relation to last year. 


  • The golden one It is highly sought after in restaurants and supermarkets in the United States.
  • In Ecuador, its consumption increased years ago when it began to be sold in supermarkets.
  • Among the causes of the reduction in catches We can mention the increase in the fleet, which exceeds 100 vessels, and the increase in fishermen, with more than 3,000 fibreglass boats.

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