
In order to protect marine shrimp during the reproduction and spawning stages,The Undersecretary of Fisheries Resources issued Ministerial Agreement No. 195, which prohibits for a period of two months the extraction and commercialization of shrimp using industrial and artisanal fishing gear.

In the case of the industrial fleet that catches marine shrimp, it will be applicable from January 1 to February 29, 2012 and for artisanal fishermen who catch marine shrimp, from January 1 to January 31, 2012; while for shrimp fishermen, it will be in effect from February 1 to March 31, 2012. 

Compliance with this provision will be the responsibility of fishing inspectors, through monitoring of fishing operations (artisanal and industrial), in coordination with the National Directorate of Aquatic Spaces - DIRNEA, so that it does not grant sailing permission to shrimp trawlers during the ban. 

Duly authorized processing and packing companies that have processed marine shrimp before the ban and wish to export it must request the relevant authorization from the General Directorate of Fisheries, provided that they have notified their stock before the start of the ban. 

Vessels that fail to comply with the Agreement will be sanctioned as indicated in the Law on Fisheries and Fisheries Development; and if applicable, the resources will be donated to care homes. 

Once the ban period has ended, shrimp may be caught using only authorized fishing gear in permitted areas.

Press Release. Undersecretariat of Fisheries Resources

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