The influence of the moon on the tides is for us an elementary notion, although this influence has always existed and was present in the oral tradition of sailors and fishermen from any part of the planet, only when Newton formulated the law of universal gravitation, the influence of the moon on the tides was accepted.
In humans and in nature in general, we are also governed by sidereal monthly cycles, i.e. the cycle of – 27 ½ days – or the period of rotation of the Moon around the Earth relative to the “stationary” stars and the synodic month – 29 ½ days – or the time elapsed from one new Moon to another. The period of rotation of the Sun on its own axis (27 days) is also close to these values. Both the Moon and the Sun exert a strong gravitational influence on the Earth, which reflects the ebbs and flows and the oscillations of the solid part of the Earth’s crust. Specialists have calculated that in 70% the value of the flows is determined by the Moon and in 30% by the Sun.
So monthly rhythms do exist. But to what extent are these rhythms related to the influences of the Moon and the Sun?
Since the dawn of civilization, the menstrual phenomenon has been surrounded by beliefs. Not only the bleeding itself seemed dramatic, but also its apparent coincidence with the phases of the Moon. In some peoples this phenomenon is still perceived today.
In 1959, the American scientists A. and V. Menaker analysed the dates of 250,000 births and calculated that conception, and therefore ovulation, most frequently occurred on days corresponding to the full moon. In 1973, the study was replicated with the analysis of 500,000 birth dates and they again determined that the frequency of ovulation exceeds the average during the full moon and is below the average during the new moon. Furthermore, according to another study by A. Solberger, the link between the menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle in some women is purely coincidental. Solberger states that if the relationship between the menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle existed, it should also be detected in animals. However, in different animal species the duration of the sexual cycle varies greatly and does not coincide in its period with the lunar cycle. Thus, in dogs the sexual cycle lasts 180 days, in chimpanzees 36, in macaques 27, in pigs 21, in cows 20, in sheep 16, in guinea pigs 15, and in rats and mice 4 to 6 days.
So far, however, scientists have not been able to produce convincing evidence of a link between the menstrual cycle and lunar influences. And how do the organs and systems of the human body react to the latter? Otorhinolaryngologists in Tallahassee (Florida) recognise the link between the state of the human body and the lunar rhythm. They have discovered that during the full moon there are 82% more post-operative haemorrhages than at other times.
French scientists Liber and Sherin assume that the gravitational influence that the Moon exerts on the Earth is also experienced by every living being and that the biological “flows” and “reflows” are also characteristic of Man.
It has recently been discovered that atmospheric ionization and Earth's magnetism vary depending on the phases of the Moon. Research into the Moon-Earth relationship continues, and it is possible that links may be found in the Moon-Man system.
It is obvious that not only the lunar attraction and solar activity are “to blame” for accidents and suicides. Every act of man is the result of a complex interaction between different forces, socio-economic conditions, moral and emotional factors. It cannot be considered that cosmic influences predetermine man’s behavior. But it would be wrong to deny this influence on all living things on Earth.
There are, of course, links that directly connect human activity with the cosmos. Some of them are known. For example, during chromospheric explosions on the Sun, the rate of human reaction decreases four times and at the same time the frequency of erroneous actions increases. That is why ex-Soviet scientists conduct intensive research into cosmic influences. Knowledge of adverse changes in the atmosphere makes it possible to prevent many accidents.
The following table shows the lunar phases for this year that began and the respective rainfall for the southern coast of Ecuador. (Click on the image to enlarge).
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NOTE: The numbers in bold are the maximum water levels.