
From January 15 to February 15, 2012, a new period beginsYoClosed season for red and blue crab species Ucides occidentalis and Cardisoma crassum according to provisioneithern of the Ministerial Agreement 016, which establishes the first closed season for crustaceans due to reproduction. 

The Undersecretary of Fisheries Resources (e), Hugo Vera Serrano, indicated that during the closed season, the capture, possession, processing, transportation and internal and external commercialization of crab resources is prohibited. 
He also said that fisheries inspectors will be carrying out checks to ensure compliance with the ban through land and sea patrols along the entire coastal profile. 
This first closed season is carried out for the protection of the species when it is in the mating or copulation stage. 
Officials explained that once the ban is over, routine inspections will be carried out to ensure that the sector complies with the established measures of shell diameter greater than 6 cm for the sale of crab resources. 
Offenders, accomplices and concealers will be placed at the disposal of the Prosecutors and will be punished in accordance with the Ecuadorian Penal Code. 
He also said that the confiscated animal will be donated to nursing homes, and if the animal is alive, it will be returned to its habitat. 
The fishing entity will also hold talks on the management and conservation of crab and other species to strengthen the economy of the populations with alternative activities during closed seasons. 
Reports to 052 611410 ext. 117,165,170 (Manta)
042 564300 ext. 303 (Guayaquil)

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