


On March 8th, starting at 10 a.m. and in support of the communities and collectives that will leave from the four cardinal points of Ecuador to Quito in the march for “Water, Life and the Dignity of the People,” the Guayaquil collective La Resistencia Ecuador proposes a peaceful walk and artistic performance whose route we detail: 

• Starting point: Rodolfo Baquerizo Moreno Square 
• Av. Delta, State University. 
• San Jorge Street, Kennedy Citadel. 
• Francisco de Orellana Avenue 
• Arrival Point: Guayas Zonal Government Building, former Ministry of the Coast. 

Several environmental organizations, human rights defenders and movements will participate in this information party, as well as art groups and guest bands that will join in this song of resistance and freedom. 

A manifesto in support of the principles of the national march will be delivered to the authorities representing the various ministries directly involved. Its content will also include the intentions and proposals of each participating group (which will include the topics of the Estero Salado de Guayaquil, the hills surrounding the city, the demand for bicycle lanes, among others). The media and the general public are invited to participate in this activity and thus be able to share our proposals with the public. 

Facebook Event

Code of Coherence for the Plurinational March for Water, Life and the Dignity of Peoples (and for everyday life) 
“We must be the change we want to see in the world” Mahatma Gandhi
Do we want water for everyone?
So we should not support the privatization of water by buying bottled water.
I. During the March, and for everyday use, we will not buy bottled water.
Do we want respect for water sources, rivers, air and nature in general, and a world not dependent on oil and minerals?
We must therefore stop using plastic and other petroleum-derived materials that will then pollute water, air and soil and take hundreds of years to degrade.
II. During the March, and in our daily lives, we will take responsibility for our waste and reduce the use of plastic bags to what is strictly necessary, for example, to collect our waste in them, which will be discarded when we reach the appropriate points for this purpose in each town. (Advice: use cloth bags, non-disposable containers for drinks, and each person should bring their own plate and spoon)
Do we want agroecology to become a priority and the core of our productive matrix? Do we want Food Sovereignty?
So we must eat sovereign and healthy foods, free of agrochemicals and purchased directly from producers.
III. During the March, and for everyday use, we will eat healthy and sovereign products.
Do we want a world without violence?
We must therefore show that it is possible to make politics based on proposals and not on shouting and insults; we must rescue participation, organization and resistance as the right of individuals and peoples.
IV. During the March, and in our daily lives, we will not engage in violent acts or provocations, although we will firmly defend the right to participate, organize and resist.

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