
"Leadership for Transformation" is a program that is based on a Technical Cooperation Agreement between the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) and the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) and that aims to identify, select and train leaders -women and men – so that they can exercise their leadership with responsibility and knowledge of the country’s situation, and be able to transform the political, social and economic reality of Ecuador, with the commitment to build a better future. 

  • Who can participate? 

 Leaders, men and women, from rural and urban areas of Ecuador, belonging to different social organizations, peasant and rural associations, indigenous organizations, producer unions, guilds, Afro-Ecuadorian organizations, parish governments, neighborhood associations, youth groups, basic service supervisors, women's associations, cultural groups, environmental organizations, professional associations, public servants, unions, among others. 

  • Registration process.
Be nominated as a leader by a civil society organization through the recommendation form.
Being Ecuadorian by birth.
Be between 18 and 60 years of age.
Submit a copy of your identity card.
Submit the duly completed registration form.
Not having participated in the “Leadership for Transformation” program previously.
The process begins with a pre-registration in April at all the locations designated for this year. The deadline to leave the requirements is April 30th. From April 30th to May 5th, those who have been chosen to participate in the Program will be selected and notified. The selection will be based on the requirements and the availability of places. Once the admitted participants are informed, they will have to pay the amount of $60 in the current account # 11121691 in the Bank of Guayaquil in the name of “EMPRESA PÚBLICA DE SERVICIOS ESPOL- TECH EP”. This certificate of deposit must be taken to the location to which they applied to complete the registration process. Failure to comply with this last procedure will be understood as the rejection of the admission offer, and the vacated place will be assigned to another registered applicant. Payments made are not refundable in case of withdrawal from the Program.
  • Cost US $60: The actual total cost of the program is approximately US$ 900 per student, but thanks to the CAF contribution each admitted applicant will only have to pay US$ 60. This amount covers instructional materials and refreshments. Transportation and lodging costs are the responsibility of the participant.
The program consists of 9 modules of 16 hours each. Upon completion of the program, a CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL ISSUED BY CAF AND ESPOL will be issued. The program will begin on Saturday, May 12. WEEKENDS ONLY. Every 15 days.
The locations for registration and where the training will be given will be:
Polytechnic School of the Coast – ESPOL
Malecón 100 and Loja, ESPOL Graduate School of Business Administration.
Shirley Arteaga – shilarte@espol.edu.ec
(04) 208-1084, (04) 208-1157, 059515108
9:00-12:00 and 15:00-18:00
Quevedo State Technical University – UTEQ
UTEQ Graduate Unit, Ing. Manuel Haz Alvarez Campus located at Km. 1.5 on the road to Santo Domingo.
John Boza Valle – bozajhon@yahoo.com
(05) 2759-244, 091931004
9:30-12:30 and 16:00-18:30
Chimborazo Polytechnic School - ESPOCH
Panamericana Sur Km. 1 1/2, Riobamba, Faculty of Natural Resources
Ma. Eugenia Samaniego – marya_samaniego55@hotmail.com
(03) 2605-903, 099700586
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM 
Technical University of Manabí - UTM
Av. Urbina and Che Guevara, Department of Comprehensive Planning (DPI)
Jose Salazar Velez – jsalazar@utm.edu.ec
(05)2639-396, 095735595
8:00-12:00 and 14:30-18:30
Catholic University of Cuenca, Azogues area - UCAAZO
Secretary of the Academic Unit of Administrative and Business Sciences, “Luis Cordero el Grande” University Campus.
Ramiro Carangui Cardenas – rcarangui@yahoo.com
(07) 2240-901, (07) 2243-444 Ext. 2, 084488402
9:00-12:00 and 15:00-21:00 
Additionally, the modules will be taught in the Provincial Associations of the Rural Parish Governments of: LOJA, ESMERALDAS and ZAMORA.

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