by JG Cobo Borda
They are invading Europe
Turkish maids, Chilean exiles,
Japanese tourists
They waste their air,
Dirty rags hang on the windows,
They complain about the lack of German sensuality.
Will the cathedrals survive?
despite such vandals?
The cameras
They will be able to do even more damage
to the cracked canvases?
Pigeon shit
manages to protect
the fierce gargoyles
of Christianity torn to pieces?
New waves
coming from the outskirts of the world
–Colombia, India, Ghana–
they launch into the assault.
And they, the rough Visigoths,
the stinking Bavarians,
They see it as the new atrabiliary tribe
devours museums, consumes landscapes,
steals the infamous souvenirs.
They hide then
in the well-kept forests
of its residential neighborhoods,
away from the smog
but not of its own history
Posted in The other school