The CONAIE National Assembly is held in Baños de Aguasanta (Tungurahua), where the following topics are discussed: analysis of the pre-legislative consultation on the Water Law, the XI Oil Round in the Amazon, and the electoral political scenario.
When opening the Assembly, Humberto Cholango, president of CONAIE, said:
He mentioned that today the Consultation is a concern for the regime, because with the participation of the communities, peoples and nationalities they will strengthen the organizational and mobilization action together with other social sectors of the country. This Consultation on the water law guarantees us the international conventions and treaties such as Convention 169 of the ILO, the United Nations and Unasur, these entities have clearly said that the Consultation must be binding, must respect and will accompany us in this process, that is why the current Government is concerned.
«They have also told us that other sectors such as the Water Boards will reinforce the work in a coordinated manner, as will other national organizations.» Regarding the XI Oil Round in indigenous territories in the Amazon, they will make known what they believe is happening in the territories of each nationality, but they have already stated that «they will not allow oil exploitation and if it is necessary to rise up as in the 90s, they are willing and in this Assembly strong resolutions will be taken.»
The president of ECUARUNARI, Delfín Tenesaca said, "We are analyzing and discussing the reality of the communities, peoples and nationalities and their position regarding the regime. Today we are going to analyze in depth the pre-legislative consultation, the XI Oil Round, taxes, education, the organizational process and the plurinational Pachakutik movement.
With these analyses and a review of the struggle process, if it is necessary to radicalize the struggle to enforce our rights, we will do so from each community and town.
Assemblyman Gerónimo Yantalema mentioned that "this process that has been carried out by the organizations is a struggle to claim the collective rights of the communities, peoples and nationalities. The pre-legislative consultation on the water law is not a gift from the government, but rather the result of the historical struggle of the organizations, through marches and resistance actions."
The Assembly will conclude with the analysis and debate of the Water Law, the XI Oil Round and the electoral process, with conclusions and resolutions, which will be shared with communities, peoples and nationalities with concrete actions.