In the current context of Ecuador, where the Ecuadorian Government in collusion with the National Assembly broke the Constitution of Ecuador to allow the entry of transgenic seeds and crops through a law that violates the Constitutional norm (supposedly, only supposedly the most important in Ecuador) and due to the widespread ignorance of the general public on such an important issue as daily food; Acción Ecológica and Swissaid contribute to the topic under debate with the document "100 reasons to declare Ecuador free of transgenics"
This work systematizes dozens of scientific publications from various research centers around the world on the impacts of genetically modified organisms on human health, biodiversity, production systems and food sovereignty, and aims to demystify the saying so often repeated by defenders of these products that "there is no scientific evidence that GMOs cause harm."
For those who wish to delve deeper into the subject, bibliographical references from where the information was systematized are included.
Although the book focuses on Ecuador (especially on the legal aspects), the information collected can serve as a basis for scientifically supporting the fight against GMOs in other countries.
Essential Document.