When months ago the Provincial Director of Environment of Santa Elena, Lcdo. Daniel Castillo, sent a letter to the Traffic Commission of Ecuador to carry out vehicle control on Olón beach based on Art. 173 of the General Regulations for the Application of the Organic Law of Transportation that specifically prohibits "the circulation of vehicles... on the beaches of the country", there were many expectations regarding the subject, however, every day on Olón beach it is easy to see dozens of vehicles of all types, sizes and origins that freely transit this beach that aspires to be elevated as a Sea Turtle Spawning Sanctuary.
Although this (notifying the entity responsible for traffic control) is one of the actions of said State portfolio for the protection of sea turtle nests (protected species in Ecuador) whose presence has been recorded with abundant material for some months now on different beaches, including Olón, the truth is that in everyday life the reality is different.
Even in inspections carried out earlier this year,No This state entity determined the presence of incubation chambers and footprints of newborns in three geo-referenced points within a 1.3 kilometer extension of this beach.
Several residents of Olón interested in the protection of these species mention that "although these hatchings have only been recorded for a few months, this beach has been a spawning ground for a long time" and they highlight other risk situations for these vulnerable marine species, including: "anti-technical extraction of sand from the beach, traffic of all types of motor vehicles, lack of signage in nesting areas and elimination of coastal vegetation."
They applaud this concrete action by the Provincial Environmental Directorate, but announce that they will remain alert because there are other promises that have not yet been fulfilled by the authorities, such as the case of the placement of signage in the turtle nesting area, which should have begun according to official documents in the last days of last December.
Sea turtles are species that despite the importance that they represent in the health of living oceans and in life in general that affects us all, have been practically eliminated from many areas of the world. In Ecuador, of the Of the 7 species that exist in the world, the constant presence of 4 species is reported, although there is evidence that this number could rise to 6. Of these, at least 3 nest on our beaches, according to Luis Reyes, former Director of the Valdivia Aquarium and one of the most recognized experts on the subject of sea turtle reintroduction in the country.
Sea turtles are species that despite the importance that they represent in the health of living oceans and in life in general that affects us all, have been practically eliminated from many areas of the world. In Ecuador, of the Of the 7 species that exist in the world, the constant presence of 4 species is reported, although there is evidence that this number could rise to 6. Of these, at least 3 nest on our beaches, according to Luis Reyes, former Director of the Valdivia Aquarium and one of the most recognized experts on the subject of sea turtle reintroduction in the country.
Reyes adds that during 2012, two nestings were recorded in Olon, and so far in 2013, three nests have been recorded on this beach. The estimate of the number of newborns reintroduced by the Valdivia Aquarium during 2012 amounts to 300.
Within the context of protection of sea turtles, it is also necessary that urgently finalize, socialize and put into practice the:
– National Strategy for the Conservation of Sea Turtles, and the
– Respective Official Record that has been announced for several months on the Ministry of the Environment's website as documents in preparation.