
The ClimaCleando project continues its journey and since last week its route has been rolling along the southern coast of Ecuador, bringing a clear message of awareness and action against climate change to each of its stops.

ClimaCleando is made up of a team of 7 young people from the city of Quito, between 23 and 30 years of age; who are also part of the Kitulectivo collective and for several years have been linked to youth groups whose axes have been the themes of the environment and climate change.

The project, which began several months ago, had an initial stage of research and identification of organizations, groups, collectives, initiatives and research that work on climate change issues in Ecuador, in order to understand how they operate, the actions they carry out and their motivations for working.

The ClimaCleando project has traveled nearly 3,000 km and plans to continue during its development in this final stage. During its stops, it also collects testimonies about how climate change has impacted the populations and ecosystems of Ecuador.

Talks and discussions on the problem of climate change, its impact on the country and the importance of taking action in this regard with the aim of being drivers of change are the latest axis of this proposal that left Quito at the end of April and has visited more than 50 stops in the Amazon, mountains and coast of Ecuador.

The Climacleando team has thought about ensuring that all the details are related to the core of their project; thus, each of the members is related to the proposed themes:
People (Sebastian Orellana)
Climate change threatens human rights, especially those of vulnerable groups such as women and children.
It is time to take action and demand profound changes to combat climate change.
«The role of women in the fight against climate change is fundamental»

Snowy Mountains (Alexandra Garcés)

Glacier retreat impacts the country's water system and alters the local climate.
Glaciers have been the best witnesses of this climate change.

Forests (Jessica Lopez)

Deforestation is not only a cause of climate change, it also makes us more vulnerable.
Protecting and defending forests and their natural and cultural diversity is a strategy to confront climate change.

Energy (Gandhy Zurita)

Oil and its derivatives used as a source of energy are the main cause of climate change in the world.
Although Ecuador does not have a major responsibility, we must demand and together move towards new sources of energy

Water (Roberto Madera)

Water is our vital resource that is seriously threatened by climate change.
Protecting our water sources is one way to tackle climate change

Food Sovereignty (Ximena Paltán)

Crop and diversity losses threaten food security and sovereignty…
Avoiding monocultures, GMOs and recovering old agricultural practices is one way to confront climate change.

You can follow the route of ClimaCleando on Facebook