
 From the moment the president announced the decision to exploit the Yasuní, citizen protests throughout the country were not long in coming. Thousands of images circulate daily on social media showing this discontent. But not only the networks have been the scene of these demonstrations; little by little, young people from all over the country are reacting and taking to the streets to carry out peaceful protests against this decision that, according to some, completely distances the country from the dream of Sumak Kawsay and the famous slogan “Ecuador loves life.”

These have been some of the demonstrations that are growing day by day:

The day after the presidential announcement
 Young people from Guayaquil took to the streets,
People passing by gave them their support.
In Quito, the presence of riot police began to be observed

In Riobamba they were carried out
bicycle demonstrations

Young people from Guayaquil have bet
 for a week in different places
 of the city to express their rejection of the presidential decision.

In Macas they are being carried out
evenings at the Yasuní

The cacerolazos begin in Quito

Walk to delivery
from the petition for a popular consultation in Quito.

A large crowd of citizens surrounded the Presidential Palace
after the Popular Consultation Petition was submitted

Performance in Cuenca.