
With the objectives of promoting transition processes and real, socially fair and environmentally sustainable alternatives to extractive industries and promoting the link between the university research sector, non-governmental organizations dedicated to research and social organizations facing extractivism, the event will take place in the city of Guayaquil on September 11 and 12. WORKSHOP ON ALTERNATIVES TO EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES.

The workshop will be held at the Casa Grande University and will include the participation of representatives from academia, social organizations, public officials and NGOs.

The results expected by the organization at the end of the two-day workshop are the following:

1. Define an agenda to deepen knowledge that enables transition processes and alternatives to extractive industries, as well as the possibilities of generating advocacy processes.

2. Obtain a systematization of the debate and proposals obtained from the accumulated experiences expressed in the workshop on alternatives to extractive industries.

3. Using the input from the workshop, create a website on alternatives to extractive industries within the framework of the Collective Rights Observatory.


Over two days of work, public presentations and roundtable discussions will be held around diagnosis, resistance and alternatives. On the second day, the possibility of building an agenda for coordination between social organizations and NGOs that are currently doing research on the accumulation model and on extractive industries will be discussed.

Diagnostic Panel

1. Alejandra Santillán. IEE, Perspectives on social conflict and accumulation model.

2. CDES. Pablo Iturralde. Distribution of oil revenues.

3. CDES. Jorge Zanafria. COSIPLAN and extractive industries: a regional perspective.

Panel of Experiences of Resistance

4. David Suárez, Balance and perspectives of the Yasunidos movement, lessons for thinking about the environmental movement in the city.

5. César Cárdenas, Possibilities of recreation of the ecological movement and the social movement in Guayaquil

6. Abel Arpi. Southern Peoples' Assembly. The state of extractive industries and resistance in the southern region of the country.

7. Carlos Pérez. ECUARUNARI. Critical assessment of the ecological position in the indigenous movement.

8. CONAIE. Challenges of the indigenous movement to build an urban and worker movement.
Proposal Panel

9. Rosa Luxemburg, Alternatives to development.

10. SENPLADES, Regional alternatives for the management and governance of strategic resources.

11. Franco Viteri, CONFENAIE. Civilizing change and proposals of the Amazonian indigenous movement

12. Eduardo Pichilingue, The rights of isolated indigenous peoples in the framework of alternatives to extractivism.

13. CDES. Pablo Iturralde. Plan C: redistribution of wealth.

WHERE: Casa Grande University. In front of door 6 of CC Albanborja
WHEN: September 11 and 12. From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.